Through my wandering on the Internet I've met yesterday another very good artist, Greg Staples.
Greg Staples was born in 1970 in Sheffield, UK. The beginning of his career is marked by the work at Judge Dredd comic books as an artist and illustrator. Besides working for 2000AD, the weekly British comic featuring Judge Dredd, DC Comics and Dark Horse, Greg Staples worked for the games company Wizards of the Coast. He was voted the best artist of 2005 by "Fantasy Magazine". He also made the cover for "The Hills Have Eyes: The Beginning" a title by Jimmy Palmiotti and Justin Gray and illustrated by John Higgins.
This year Del Rey will release a collection of short stories by Robert E. Howard, "The Horror Stories of Robert E. Howard", which beside the cover art made by Greg Staples will feature a series of interior illustrations made by the artist and if I'm not mistaken will be 12 paintings, 10 black and white drawings and 45 spot illustrations.
I will also recommend a visit to his website where I found some excellent works that put in the spotlight the talent of Greg Staples (my favorites are "Hell's Caretaker", "Morrigan" and "Crusader").
Thanks for this amazing artists you're digging up.
Uros, I'm glad that you like them :)
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