
Galileo Magazine, which was born in the spring of 2010, makes wonderful efforts to promote the Romanian science fiction and fantasy, either through its printed edition or the electronic one. The magazine will release soon its third printed issue, with a wonderful cover, featuring the artwork of one of my top favorite artists, Raymond Swanland, and with an interesting content, dedicated mostly to Robert Silverberg. Besides this however, Galileo Magazine announces the first edition of the Galileo Awards, intended to reward annually the works of Romanian speculative fiction. This first edition will have two categories, The Best Volume and The Best Short Fiction, awarded to the author’s works, novels and collection of stories published for the first time and respectively to the short stories, novelettes or novellas published for the first time in personal or collective anthologies, magazines or fanzines, all of them released during 2010. The Galileo Awards winners will be announced on 28th May at the National Book Fair, Bookfest and the preliminary list of nominees looks like this:
The Best Volume:
Adrian Buzdugan – “Capela excomunicaților” (The Excommunicated Chapel) (Humanitas)
Oliviu Crâznic – “…și la sfîrșit a mai rămas coșmarul” (…and at the end remained the nightmare) (Vremea)
Michael Haulică – “Povestiri fantastice” (Fantastic Stories) (Millennium)
Snowdon King – “Uezen și alte povestiri” (Uezen and other stories) (Fides)
Victor Martin – “Monede de sticlă” (Coins of Glass) (Autograf MJM)
Mircea Opriţă – “Povestiri de duminică” (Sunday Stories) (Millennium)
Liviu Radu – “Modificatorii” (The Modifiers) (Millennium)
Liviu Radu – “Ghicit de seară” (Evening Fortune Telling) (Tritonic)
Liviu Radu – “Lumea lui Waldemar” (Waldemar’s World) (Tritonic)
Oana Stoica-Mujea – “Regina arkudă și amuletele puterii” (The Arkud Queen and the Amulets of Power) (Tritonic)
Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu – “S.F. Doi” (S.F. Two) (Bastion)
The Best Short Fiction:
Costel Baboș – “Maratonul paltoanelor” (The Overcoat Marathon) (Pangaia SRSFF, 2010)
Ciprian Ionuţ Baciu – “Contele” (The Count) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Balin Feri – “Crima necesară” (The Necessary Crime) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Balin Feri – “Consolarea” (The Consolation) (Nautilus 32, September 2010)
Balin Feri – “Descoperirea secolului” (The Discovery of the Century) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Aron Biro – “Homo Hermeticum” (Homo Hermeticum) (Nautilus 33, October 2010)
Aron Biro – “Paradisul pierdut” (The Lost Paradise) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Bogdan-Tudor Bucheru – “Între Lacuri” (Among Lakes) (Nautilus 25, February 2010)
Adrian Buzdugan – “Frigul” (The Cold) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Explozia verde” (The Green Explosion) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Mitologii creştine. Anatema” (The Christian Mythologies. Anathema) (Nautilus 25, February 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Destinatarul” (The Recipient) (Nautilus 32, September 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Libreville – secolul XIX” (Libreville – XIXth Century) (Nautilus 34, November 2010)
Laura Ceica – “De ce să nu crezi în Moş Crăciun!” (Why not to believe in Santa Claus!) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Adrian Chifu – “Răsăritul mai mic al domnişoarei Erica” (The Smaller Sunrise of Miss Erica) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Catalin Cofaru – “Fortăreaţa” (The Fortress) (Nautilus 34, November 2010)
Mircea Coman – “Ultimele clipe sînt extrem de scumpe” (The Last Moments are Extremely Precious) (Nautilus 25, February 2010)
Mircea Coman – “Dad” (Dad) (Nautilus 28, May 2010)
Mircea Coman – “Grădina Yasminei” (Yasmine’s Garden) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Sebastian A. Corn – “Vonu” (Vonu) (Galileo 1)
Ștefana Cristina Czeller – “Răzbunarea” (The Revenge) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Ștefana Cristina Czeller – “Slujesc Zeului-Cîine” (I Serve the Dog-God) (Galileo 2)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Trîmbiţele Apocalipsei sunat-au” (The Trumpets of Apocalypse Have Sounded) (Nautilus 24, January 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Gîngăniile” (The Bugs) (Nautilus 26, March 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Atinge-ma, Sara!” (Touch Me, Sara!) (Nautilus 27, April 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Angelo Plămădeală şi Frontul revoluţionar” (Angelo Leaven and the Revolutionary Front) (Nautilus 29, June 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Noaptea extratereştrilor” (Night of the Aliens) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Spovedania” (The Confession) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Târgul” (The Bargain) (Nautilus 33, October 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Interviul” (The Interview) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Ştefana Cristina Czeller – “Nopţile stranii ale lui Vasile Cotineaţă” (The Strange Nights of Vasile Costineață) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Liliana David – “Virus” (Virus) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Alexandru Ioan Despina – “17 Octombrie” (17th October) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Andrei Gaceff – “Strivirea buburuzei de la staţia lui 135” (The Squash of the Ladybug from the Station of 135) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Antuza Genescu – “Prizonieri în anotimpuri” (Prisoners in Seasons) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Silviu Genescu – “Cetățeanul Welles” (Citizen Welles) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Costi Gurgu – “Îngeri și molii” (Angels and Moths) (Galileo 2)
Michael Haulică – “Microtexte” (Microtexts) (Povestiri fantastice, Millennium, 2010)
Rares Iordache – “Disfuncționalitate conștientă: nu vreau să mă copiez!” (Conscious Dysfunction: I Don’t Want to Copy Myself!) (Nautilus 31, August 2010)
George Lazăr – “Viitorul mass media” (The Mass Media Future) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “Resurse nelimitate” (Unlimited Resources) (Nautilus 24, January 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “O experienţă stranie” (A Strange Experience) (Nautilus 26, March 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “Triunghi mortal” (Deadly Triangle) (Nautilus 29, June 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “O poveste perversă” (A Perverse Story) (Nautilus 31, August 2010)
Dan Ninoiu – “Cum ne-a salvat Vasile de la invazia extraterestră” (How Vasile Saved Us from the Alien Invasion) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Lucy” (Lucy) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Interviul” (The Interview) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Inginerii electronice” (Electronic Engineering) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Caliban, du-te la bibliotecă!” (Caliban, Go to the Library!) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Dario Pecarov – “Zeificatorii” (The Divinifiers) (Nautilus 26, March 2010)
Florin Pîtea – “Selecţie” (Selection) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Florin Pîtea – “Vînătoarea de sfincși” (The Hunt of Sphinxes) (Galileo 2)
Liviu Radu – “Loteria” (The Lottery) (Nautilus 29, June 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Maniere, mahmureală şi molii” (Manners, Hangover and Moths) (Nautilus 24, January 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Doi bătrîni, pe o bancă” (Two Old Men, On a Bench) (Galileo 1)
Liviu Radu – “Lumina trebuie să vină dinspre răsărit” (The Light Must Come from the East) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Dosarul „Hannibal ante portas“” (“Hannibal ante portas” Dossier) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Mestecenii” (The Birches) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Allez la France” (Allez la France) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Vînzoleli nocturne” (Nocturnal Fidgets) (Lumea lui Waldemar, Tritonic)
Liviu Radu – “Veți vedea, dacă ochi voștri…” (You’ll See, If Your Eyes…) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Lucian Sava – “Ziua-celui-care-plânge-că-trăieşte” (The-Day-of-One-Who-Cries-Because-He-Lives) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Costin Constantin Simon & Reimund Schild-Kirer – “Nu e pentru ochii noştri să vadă” (It is Not For Our Eyes to See) (Helion1-2, February-April 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Electronii sînt mai deștepți decît noi” (The Electrons are Smarter Than Us) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Orașul din ceață” (The City From the Mist) (SF2, Bastion, 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Maestru Imperial” (Imperial Master) (SF2, Bastion, 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Electro-magneto muza” (Electro-Magneto Muse) (SF2, Bastion, 2010)
Marian Truță – “Cumania 2010” (Cumania 2010) (Galileo 2)
Ioana Vişan – “La distanta de un lift” (One Elevator Distance) (Nautilus 27, April 2010)
Ioana Vişan – “Simfonie de gloanţe şi sânge” (Symphony of Bullets and Blood) (Nautilus 32, September 2010)
Ioana Vişan – “Din lipsă de Timp” (Because Of Lack of Time) (Nautilus 34, November 2010)
Congratulations and good luck to all the initial nominees!
The Best Volume:
Adrian Buzdugan – “Capela excomunicaților” (The Excommunicated Chapel) (Humanitas)
Oliviu Crâznic – “…și la sfîrșit a mai rămas coșmarul” (…and at the end remained the nightmare) (Vremea)
Michael Haulică – “Povestiri fantastice” (Fantastic Stories) (Millennium)
Snowdon King – “Uezen și alte povestiri” (Uezen and other stories) (Fides)
Victor Martin – “Monede de sticlă” (Coins of Glass) (Autograf MJM)
Mircea Opriţă – “Povestiri de duminică” (Sunday Stories) (Millennium)
Liviu Radu – “Modificatorii” (The Modifiers) (Millennium)
Liviu Radu – “Ghicit de seară” (Evening Fortune Telling) (Tritonic)
Liviu Radu – “Lumea lui Waldemar” (Waldemar’s World) (Tritonic)
Oana Stoica-Mujea – “Regina arkudă și amuletele puterii” (The Arkud Queen and the Amulets of Power) (Tritonic)
Cristian-Mihail Teodorescu – “S.F. Doi” (S.F. Two) (Bastion)
The Best Short Fiction:
Costel Baboș – “Maratonul paltoanelor” (The Overcoat Marathon) (Pangaia SRSFF, 2010)
Ciprian Ionuţ Baciu – “Contele” (The Count) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Balin Feri – “Crima necesară” (The Necessary Crime) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Balin Feri – “Consolarea” (The Consolation) (Nautilus 32, September 2010)
Balin Feri – “Descoperirea secolului” (The Discovery of the Century) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Aron Biro – “Homo Hermeticum” (Homo Hermeticum) (Nautilus 33, October 2010)
Aron Biro – “Paradisul pierdut” (The Lost Paradise) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Bogdan-Tudor Bucheru – “Între Lacuri” (Among Lakes) (Nautilus 25, February 2010)
Adrian Buzdugan – “Frigul” (The Cold) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Explozia verde” (The Green Explosion) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Mitologii creştine. Anatema” (The Christian Mythologies. Anathema) (Nautilus 25, February 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Destinatarul” (The Recipient) (Nautilus 32, September 2010)
Aurel Cărăşel – “Libreville – secolul XIX” (Libreville – XIXth Century) (Nautilus 34, November 2010)
Laura Ceica – “De ce să nu crezi în Moş Crăciun!” (Why not to believe in Santa Claus!) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Adrian Chifu – “Răsăritul mai mic al domnişoarei Erica” (The Smaller Sunrise of Miss Erica) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Catalin Cofaru – “Fortăreaţa” (The Fortress) (Nautilus 34, November 2010)
Mircea Coman – “Ultimele clipe sînt extrem de scumpe” (The Last Moments are Extremely Precious) (Nautilus 25, February 2010)
Mircea Coman – “Dad” (Dad) (Nautilus 28, May 2010)
Mircea Coman – “Grădina Yasminei” (Yasmine’s Garden) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Sebastian A. Corn – “Vonu” (Vonu) (Galileo 1)
Ștefana Cristina Czeller – “Răzbunarea” (The Revenge) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Ștefana Cristina Czeller – “Slujesc Zeului-Cîine” (I Serve the Dog-God) (Galileo 2)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Trîmbiţele Apocalipsei sunat-au” (The Trumpets of Apocalypse Have Sounded) (Nautilus 24, January 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Gîngăniile” (The Bugs) (Nautilus 26, March 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Atinge-ma, Sara!” (Touch Me, Sara!) (Nautilus 27, April 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Angelo Plămădeală şi Frontul revoluţionar” (Angelo Leaven and the Revolutionary Front) (Nautilus 29, June 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Noaptea extratereştrilor” (Night of the Aliens) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Spovedania” (The Confession) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Târgul” (The Bargain) (Nautilus 33, October 2010)
Stefana Cristina Czeller – “Interviul” (The Interview) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Ştefana Cristina Czeller – “Nopţile stranii ale lui Vasile Cotineaţă” (The Strange Nights of Vasile Costineață) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Liliana David – “Virus” (Virus) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Alexandru Ioan Despina – “17 Octombrie” (17th October) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Andrei Gaceff – “Strivirea buburuzei de la staţia lui 135” (The Squash of the Ladybug from the Station of 135) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Antuza Genescu – “Prizonieri în anotimpuri” (Prisoners in Seasons) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Silviu Genescu – “Cetățeanul Welles” (Citizen Welles) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Costi Gurgu – “Îngeri și molii” (Angels and Moths) (Galileo 2)
Michael Haulică – “Microtexte” (Microtexts) (Povestiri fantastice, Millennium, 2010)
Rares Iordache – “Disfuncționalitate conștientă: nu vreau să mă copiez!” (Conscious Dysfunction: I Don’t Want to Copy Myself!) (Nautilus 31, August 2010)
George Lazăr – “Viitorul mass media” (The Mass Media Future) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “Resurse nelimitate” (Unlimited Resources) (Nautilus 24, January 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “O experienţă stranie” (A Strange Experience) (Nautilus 26, March 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “Triunghi mortal” (Deadly Triangle) (Nautilus 29, June 2010)
Ciprian Mitoceanu – “O poveste perversă” (A Perverse Story) (Nautilus 31, August 2010)
Dan Ninoiu – “Cum ne-a salvat Vasile de la invazia extraterestră” (How Vasile Saved Us from the Alien Invasion) (Nautilus 35, December 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Lucy” (Lucy) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Interviul” (The Interview) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Inginerii electronice” (Electronic Engineering) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Mircea Opriță – “Caliban, du-te la bibliotecă!” (Caliban, Go to the Library!) (Povestiri de duminică, Millennium, 2010)
Dario Pecarov – “Zeificatorii” (The Divinifiers) (Nautilus 26, March 2010)
Florin Pîtea – “Selecţie” (Selection) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Florin Pîtea – “Vînătoarea de sfincși” (The Hunt of Sphinxes) (Galileo 2)
Liviu Radu – “Loteria” (The Lottery) (Nautilus 29, June 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Maniere, mahmureală şi molii” (Manners, Hangover and Moths) (Nautilus 24, January 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Doi bătrîni, pe o bancă” (Two Old Men, On a Bench) (Galileo 1)
Liviu Radu – “Lumina trebuie să vină dinspre răsărit” (The Light Must Come from the East) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Dosarul „Hannibal ante portas“” (“Hannibal ante portas” Dossier) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Mestecenii” (The Birches) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Allez la France” (Allez la France) (Modificatorii, Millennium Books, 2010)
Liviu Radu – “Vînzoleli nocturne” (Nocturnal Fidgets) (Lumea lui Waldemar, Tritonic)
Liviu Radu – “Veți vedea, dacă ochi voștri…” (You’ll See, If Your Eyes…) (Pangaia, SRSFF, 2010)
Lucian Sava – “Ziua-celui-care-plânge-că-trăieşte” (The-Day-of-One-Who-Cries-Because-He-Lives) (Helion 1-2, February-April 2010)
Costin Constantin Simon & Reimund Schild-Kirer – “Nu e pentru ochii noştri să vadă” (It is Not For Our Eyes to See) (Helion1-2, February-April 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Electronii sînt mai deștepți decît noi” (The Electrons are Smarter Than Us) (Nautilus 30, July 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Orașul din ceață” (The City From the Mist) (SF2, Bastion, 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Maestru Imperial” (Imperial Master) (SF2, Bastion, 2010)
Cristian Mihail Teodorescu – “Electro-magneto muza” (Electro-Magneto Muse) (SF2, Bastion, 2010)
Marian Truță – “Cumania 2010” (Cumania 2010) (Galileo 2)
Ioana Vişan – “La distanta de un lift” (One Elevator Distance) (Nautilus 27, April 2010)
Ioana Vişan – “Simfonie de gloanţe şi sânge” (Symphony of Bullets and Blood) (Nautilus 32, September 2010)
Ioana Vişan – “Din lipsă de Timp” (Because Of Lack of Time) (Nautilus 34, November 2010)
Congratulations and good luck to all the initial nominees!
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