The long list of 2012 Galileo Awards has been significantly shortened and although the new Romanian speculative fiction awards use the Australian system of voting and this short list will be further sieved I believe that we can call the titles remained in the race as the nominees for the 2012 Galileo Awards. So, without further ado here are the 2012 Galileo Awards nominees:
The Best Volume:
“The Seasons” (Anotimpurile) by Bogdan-Tudor Bucheru (Millennium Books)
“Ink and Blood” (Cerneală și singe) by Ștefana Cristina Czeller (Millennium Books)
“DemNet” (DemNet) by Dan Doboș (Media-Tech)
“Chronicles from the End of the World” (Cronici de la capătul pămîntului) by Costi Gurgu (Millennium Books)
“Alone on Ormuza” (Singur pe Ormuza) by Liviu Radu (Millennium Books)
The Best Short Prose:
“Prophecies about the Past” (Profeţii despre trecut) by Aron Biro (Steampunk: A second revolution edited by Adrian Crăciun, Millennium Books)
“The Last Hourglass” (Ultima clepsidră) by Oliviu Crâznic (Steampunk: A second revolution edited by Adrian Crăciun, Millennium Books)
“The Southern Swamps” (Mlaştinile din sud) by Costi Gurgu (Chronicles from the End of the World, Millennium Books)
“The Black Fortress” (Cetatea neagră) by Costi Gurgu (Steampunk: A second revolution edited by Adrian Crăciun, Millennium Books)
“A trouble in the Wonderful Inand” (O hucă în minunatul Inand) by Michael Haulică (Galileo Magazine, issue 3)
“The Story of Calistrat Hadîmbu from Vizireni, foully murdered by Raul Colentina in a Bucharest’s outskirts inn” (Povestea lui Calistrat Hadîmbu din Vizireni, ucis mişeleşte de nenicul Raul Colentina într-un han de la marginea Bucureştilor) by Michael Haulică (Steampunk: A second revolution edited by Adrian Crăciun, Millennium Books)
“From Gipsies” (De la ţigani) by George Lazăr (Steampunk: A second revolution edited by Adrian Crăciun, Millennium Books)
The Best Anthology:
“Steampunk: A Second Revolution” (Steampunk: A doua revoluție) edited by Adrian Crăciun (Millennium, 2011)
“Venus” (Venus) edited by Antuza Genescu (Eagle & SRSFF, 2011)
“The Dragon and the Ewe Lamb” (Balaurul și Miorița) edited by Mihail Grămescu (Eagle, 2011)
“Pangaea” (Pangaia) edited by SRSFF (Eagle & SRSFF, 2010)
“2011 Galileo Awards” (Premiile Galileo 2011) edited by Horia Nicola Ursu (Millennium, 2011)
It seems that Millennium Press is dominating again the Galileo Awards with 4 novels, all the short fiction (since Galileo Magazine is published also by Millennium) and 2 anthologies from these lists of nominees, so I cannot wonder if a wider selection and a different voting system would not be better for this wonderful initiative. I am also thinking if a members’ jury, chosen for each year, would not improve the Galileo Awards and would help the Romanian speculative fiction scene more.
Congratulations and good luck to all the nominees!