Half a year has passed. Well, almost since this is the last day of that half of year. I’ll be honest and say that in its majority it was a good year so far. It was a little busy at work, but that is not a bad thing considering the general situation. The family is well, with some little health problems, but nothing worrisome. FC Barcelona won the Champions League and that was a wonderful thing. I’ve met new wonderful people and kept in touch with the others I met through my blog. I’ve got the chance to talk to very interesting artists and authors and to make a debut with my interviews and reviews on the Romanian e-zine, Nautilus (and which brought me great joy). For my readings, although I set a first goal of 100 books, my schedule didn’t change much so I managed to read so far only 23 books. Therefore I don’t think I’ll be able to fulfill it after all. So, I’ll go for the second goal, to read more than 50 books this year (the usual rhythm). Here is a provisional top 5 of my readings in 2009, one that can still suffer changes until the end of the year, depending on my further readings and on my further considerations of the titles you see on this top:

1. “Gunpowder” by Joe Hill

3. “Yellow Blue Tibia” by Adam Roberts

4. “Hater” by David Moody

5. “The Crown Conspiracy” by Michael J. Sullivan
How about you? How was your year so far?
Is Gunpowder really that good? I know everyone has told me to read 20th Century Ghosts but as someone who couldn't even finish "Heart-Shaped Box," I'm still skeptical...
I've read a lot of books in 2009 close to 50+ but sadly I don't think I've found that it book I'm looking for in 2009.
I've read really good books and books I've enjoyed but nothing that is that one books that I'm like "This is the 2009 book". I'm hoping the end of the year has something :(.
Ben, I find "Gunpowder" to be very good. And I personally like Joe Hill's works very much :)
Cindy, I found a few very good readings this year (at leats for me). And I am certain I'll find a few more the next half of the year :)
When reading different books throughout the year it is sometimes difficult, at least for me, to choose a favourite. You have had books I'm keen on reading like those by Brian Ruckley.
Barbara, I feel the same. It is hard for me to do this type of tops (although I enjoy making them from time to time). And that is mainly because I found some books equally good, but from different perspectives. For instance at this top I didn't include "The Absence" by Bill Hussey although I enjoyed it a lot and it is a good book and it was very hard for me to choose between "Gunpowder" and "Twelve" for the first place since I loved both very much :)
So far my top read in 2009 is the Mistborn trilogy by Brandon Sanderson.
But there are several books on which are close to the trilogy: The Painted Man by Peter V. Brett, Nights of Villjamur by Mark Charan Newton, The Affinity Bridge by George Mann, The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman, Gardens of the Moon by Steven Erikson, Terror by Dan Simmons, and more...
Yesterday I sent my first order to Book Depository: Twelve by Jasper Kent. Expect delivery on upcoming Saturday....
Anyway my next read is the German edition of Acacia by David Anthony Durham. I found it in the last row of my bookshelf.....
Michael, "The Nights of Villjamur" was close to my top 5 too and if nothing major shatters my provisional top 10 I believe it will end up there at the end of the year :)
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