In a market where the cover artwork seems rather neglected comes a new title with one impressive artwork decorating its cover, “Dansînd pe Marte şi alte povestiri fantastice” (Dancing on Mars and other fantastic stories) edited by Michael Haulică. But this not the only praiseworthy thing of this title. The Michael Haulică’s anthology is published by Millennium Press, a small Romanian publishing house, but an admirable one for its work on promoting Romanian speculative fiction authors, and “Dansînd pe Marte” (Dancing on Mars) is no exception. Also the beautiful cover artwork is made by a Romanian artist, Alex Popescu, with whom I had the pleasure to make an interview for my blog. The anthology contains stories written by Mircea Coman, Cătălin Sandu, Liviu Braicu, Roxana Brînceanu, Robert Coller, Ioana Vişan, Aron Biro, Liviu Radu, Mircea Pricăjan, Marian Coman, Cătălin Maxim, Bogdan-Tudor Bucheru, Ana Veronica Mircea, Andrei Gaceff, Ben Ami, Dumitru Cl. Stătescu, Ştefana Czeller, Florin Pîtea and Mioara Musteaţă and although many of these authors are unknown to me too we will discover them together in a review I’ll write when I get a copy of the Michael Haulică’s “Dansîd pe Marte” (Dancing on Mars).
soon, my friend. it's going to print in a couple days. and in about two weeks you shall have it.
Horia, I can't wait to see it :)
Mars is know as the "Red Planet". With this association in my mind I found the cover amazing.
Michael, definitely a link there with the "Red Planet" :)
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