I love to travel and to discover and experience new and different cultures. I am not able to do that as often as I would like, but I always have the opportunity of a literary exploration at hand. A title that promises such a exploration is “Requiems for the Departed” edited by Gerard Brennan and Mike Stone and due to be released on June, 1st by Morrigan Books, which takes us on a journey through the Irish mythology with the help of seventeen short stories inspired by these myths. To note the cover as well, made by Reece Notley and which is quite creepy, but it makes me even more eager to make this exploration.
Watch the children of Conchobar return to their mischievous ways, meet ancient Celtic royalty, and follow druids and banshees as they are set loose in the new Irish underbelly, murder and mayhem on their minds.
Table of contents:
- "Queen of the Hill" by Stuart Neville
- "Hound of Culann" by Tony Black
- "Hats off to Mary" by Garry Kilworth
- "Sliabh Ban" by Arlene Hunt
- "Red Hand of Ulster" by Sam Millar
- "She Wails Through the Fair" by Ken Bruen
- "A Price to Pay" by Maxim Jakubowski
- "Red Milk" by T. A. Moore
- "Bog Man" by John McAllister
- "The Sea is Not Full" by Una McCormack
- "The Druid’s Dance" by Tony Bailie
- "Children of Gear" by Neville Thompson
- "Diarmid and Grainne" by Adrian McKinty
- "The Fortunate Isles" by Dave Hutchinson
- "First to Score" by Garbhan Downey
- "Fisherman’s Blues" by Brian McGilloway
- "The Life Business" by John Grant
Intresting to note Stuart Neville & Ken Bruen(both thriller writers and versatile ones at that) are also a part of this collection.
Mihir, indeed that is very interesting. I am looking forward to explore this anthology a bit :)
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