Friday, November 20, 2009

Cover art - "L’Ange de la Nuit" (Night Angel) by Brent Weeks

Once again I go to the French market, because this month Bragelonne released the third novel in the Brent Weeks“Night Angel Trilogy”, “Beyond the Shadows” (Au-delà des ombres). Like the first two novels “Beyond the Shadows” benefits from a fantastic cover artwork, one of the best cover artworks I’ve seen this year and one that would certainly whisper sweet words of buying in my ear if I was seeing it in a book shop. The three covers of the series are made by the French artist Frédéric Perrin and are looking exceptionally well. I only wish to see more such amazing covers.


Adele said...

wow, those are truly beautiful!

Barbara Martin said...

These are excellent covers!

bloggeratf said...

Covers are great! I didn't know you read in French. Shoot me an email if you get a chance (of GChat), as I am looking for something good to read in the language.

Mihai A. said...

Adele & Barbara, they are truly beautiful!

Alec, I only know French on a beginner level, so I don't read books in French. Only occasionally on a few sites and helped by a dictionary :)

Anonymous said...

awesome covers... can they make the books in english??

Mihai A. said...

The books are available in English. I just wish the English editions had covers like these ones :)

Anonymous said...

Totally jealous of those covers... I want to buy the books in French just for the covers... doubt I would be able to read much of it ;)

Mihai A. said...

I would love to have these editions too. I studied a bit of French in school, but it is rough :)