Clarkesworld Magazine, the wonderful monthly e-zine, published the September issue, the 36th of the magazine. And this month once again Clarkesworld Magazine has an amazing cover art made by the Portuguese artist, Andreas Rocha (who I had the pleasure to interview on my Fantasy Art posts). Andreas produced an amazing artwork, as usual, entitled “Repairshop” and which follows proudly the steps taken by the cover art of the issues published by Clarkesworld Magazine.

Joe Abercrombie posted on his blog the cover artwork for his novel, “The Blade Itself” the first one in “The First Law” trilogy, for the mass market edition published this year by Gollancz on 1st of October if I am not mistaken. The artwork is made by Chris McGrath, an artist who illustrated many novels especially Urban Fantasy ones. Now, I’ll admit that this cover it is interesting, but I feel more attracted by the original one and I like it more. I find the cover designed by Laura Brett to be simpler, but more powerful and more mysterious, making me pick the book up if I see it in a library.

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