As I said before I find the cover artwork made by Jackie Morris for the Robin Hobb’s novels to be simple, but powerful and efficient, with the unique image on the cover speaking for the content of the novel. And as I said also before, although I prefer a bit more detailed cover I find equal pleasure in these ones. Here is the cover artwork for the second book in the Robin Hobb’ duology, “Rain Wild Chronicles”, “Dragon Haven”. "Dragon Haven" will be published by Harper Voyager on March 2010.
The motley band of deformed dragons and Rain Wilders continue their journey upriver towards the ancient city of Kelsingra – if it even exists – but whilst the humans are becoming used to, and more adept at controlling their dragon charges, they are completely unprepared for the discovery that the dragons are irrevocably changing them the closer they become…

I’ve seen this cover for a while now on Aidan’s blog A Dribble of Ink, but I got the chance to post it only now. I couldn't find the name of the artist who made the cover artwork, but that doesn’t mean it isn’t a very good one. “Leviathan Wept and Other Stories” is a collection of short stories written by Daniel Abraham and which will be published next year by Subterranean Press. The collection will include the stories:
"The Cambist and Lord Iron"
"Flat Diane"
"The Best Monkey"
"The Support Technician Tango"
"A Hunter in Arin-Qin"
"Leviathan Wept"
"As Sweet"
"The Curandero and the Swede"
The cover artist on Leviathan Wept is J. K. Drummond, a professional fine art watercolorist I hang out with. Take a look at: http://www.jkdrummond.com/
Daniel, thank you very much for visiting my blog and for the information. J.K. Drummond's art looks great :)
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