Yet again Millennium Press comes with another very interesting Romanian anthology of speculative fiction, “Millennium Fantasy & Science Fiction: 6 Years of Fiction”, edited by the owner of the publishing house, Horia Nicola Ursu. This is another praiseworthy project of the Millennium Press with an anthology that promotes the Romanian authors of fantasy and science fiction and which benefits from another wonderful cover artwork (it is even impressive the work behind the cover artwork done at the Millennium Press considering the other covers seen on the Romanian market). I am waiting to read this title too.
Also since today is the editor’s birthday I would like to wish Horia Nicola Ursu a very Happy Birthday!
Michael Haulică – "Anotimpul de praf" (The season of dust)
Don Simon – "Priveşte înainte cu mînie" (Look forward with anger)
Liviu Radu – "Complexul lui Oedip" (The Oedip's complex)
Ladislau Daradici – "Şobolanul" (The Rat)
Ana-Veronica Mircea – "Rayadatis" (Rayadatis)
Andrei Valachi – "Călătorie prin natură moartă alternată cu peisaj românesc" (Journey through still life alternate with Romanian landscape)
Cotizo Draia – "Aşteptînd la Sargos" (Waiting at Sargos)
Ana-Maria Negrilă – "Împăratul de îngheţată" (The Emperor of icecream)
Val Antim – "Fenomen inexplicabil de violare" (Unexplained phenomenon of violation)
Radu Pavel Gheo – "Cîinii nu pot iubi" (Dogs can't love)
Mihail Gălăţanu – "Răzbunarea" (The revenge)
Voicu Bugariu – "Ucigaşul melcilor" (The snails' killer)
Ovidiu Bufnilă – "Apocalipsa după Buf" (The apocalypse after Buf)
Costi Gurgu – "În umbra legii" (In the shadow of the law)
Mirel Palada – "Pîndarul" (The watchman)
Florin Pîtea – "Veniţi afară!" (Come outside!)
Don Simon – "Priveşte înainte cu mînie" (Look forward with anger)
Liviu Radu – "Complexul lui Oedip" (The Oedip's complex)
Ladislau Daradici – "Şobolanul" (The Rat)
Ana-Veronica Mircea – "Rayadatis" (Rayadatis)
Andrei Valachi – "Călătorie prin natură moartă alternată cu peisaj românesc" (Journey through still life alternate with Romanian landscape)
Cotizo Draia – "Aşteptînd la Sargos" (Waiting at Sargos)
Ana-Maria Negrilă – "Împăratul de îngheţată" (The Emperor of icecream)
Val Antim – "Fenomen inexplicabil de violare" (Unexplained phenomenon of violation)
Radu Pavel Gheo – "Cîinii nu pot iubi" (Dogs can't love)
Mihail Gălăţanu – "Răzbunarea" (The revenge)
Voicu Bugariu – "Ucigaşul melcilor" (The snails' killer)
Ovidiu Bufnilă – "Apocalipsa după Buf" (The apocalypse after Buf)
Costi Gurgu – "În umbra legii" (In the shadow of the law)
Mirel Palada – "Pîndarul" (The watchman)
Florin Pîtea – "Veniţi afară!" (Come outside!)
Are there English editions of Romanian SF that can be ordered? I saw on facebook the covers of Florin Pitea's SF criticism which I would love to read. Searching for Pitea's work lead me to your blog, where I see all sorts of Romanian SF.
Well, there is one, Dan Dobos' novel, "The Abbey", that can be found on Amazon http://www.amazon.com/Abbey-Dan-Dobos/dp/0982432984/ref=sr_1_3?ie=UTF8&s=books&qid=1289474178&sr=8-3 and The Book Depository http://www.bookdepository.co.uk/book/9780982432983/The-Abbey.
It is an interesting novel and hopefully it will open the road for others being translated in English. Besides this one I am not aware of another title available in English, unfortunately.
Cred ca o sa-i dau in judecata pentru drepturi de autor.
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