Beginning with 27th of October Tor has started to release e-book editions of the Robert Jordan’s novels in “The Wheel of Time” series. Nothing surprising here, since Robert Jordan’s series is a wonderful and a very popular one. But these releases will have new covers each one made by a different artist and it is here where things get very interesting. The first one was already released, with a catchy cover artwork made by David Grove, and the second one will be released on 17th November. Irene Gallo posted on her blog the cover artwork for the second novel, “The Great Hunt”, made by Kekai Kotaki (who I had the pleasure to interview here) and which looks awesome. Once again Kekai Kotaki created an amazing art piece and one that captures the atmosphere of the book. On Tor.com you can find a behind-the-scenes post about the Kekai Kotaki’s process of creation the cover artwork.
I can’t wait to see the artwork for the cover of the third novel, “The Dragon Reborn”, and which will be made by another favorite of mine, Donato Giancola.
It certainly looks a whole lot better than what graces the cover of The Great Hunt at the moment. I wish they'd done this sooner.
I have to agree. This art it much more appropriate given the story.
I love this the best, it is a wonderful cover.
Val, I wish that too. Maybe if they will release the books again with these covers they will leave wondering if I should buy them as well :)
This is a grand idea of TOR as I agree with Val and Abigail. The first set of covers had much to be desired except for the first one. I still have the last four hardcover books to read before I hit the final set.
Barbara, these covers look awesome and I can't make a comparison with the first ones ;)
Lately I am really thinking of re-reading "The Wheel of Time" series, also "A Song of Ice and Fire" :)
As usual they continue to milk money from the people with the poor excuse for a fantasy series
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