I just came back from a two days trip and I found a very pleasant surprise. My blog got nominated for I Love Your Blog Award and to add to my joy it got nominated twice. The very wonderful girls from the excellent blogs Dragons, Heroes and Wizards and Fantasy Cafe, Mulluane and Kristen, offered me this award. Thank you very much both, you are very kind :)
After receiving the award we must:
1)Add the logo of your award to your blog.
2)Add a link to the person who awarded it to you.
3)Nominate at least 7 other blogs.
4)Add links to those blogs on your blog.
5)Leave a message for your nominees on their blogs.
So this is the hard part. I will certainly nominee the two blogs of Mulluane and Kristen, but they already have the award and I'm supposed to nominee other great blogs. I have a huge list of blogs which deserve the award, but I'm limited to seven:
Fantasy Book Critic - Robert does an absolutely lovely job at his blog and although his time limits his reviews now he is backed up by a wonderful team. He helped me a lot when I started my blog and his work is a source of inspiration.
The Book Swede - Chris is a wonderful reviewer and his blog provides a lot of interesting reviews, interviews and giveaways. Unfotunately he passes through a difficult period in his life, but I am totally next to him in his tough times.
OF Blog of the Fallen - Larry is a constant blogger, with wonderful forays in the world of speculative fiction and with a spotlight on the Spanish language writers, but not only them.
Fantasy Book News & Reviews - Jeff has a wonderful blog, a very interesting and original style of reviewing and a great index of reviews, which if I'm not mistaken reached 800th review link.
The Bodhisattva - Jay posts pretty much about his wonderful work that he makes on Book Spot Central, but that doesn't mean that we can't find wonderful reviews and interviews and very attractive contests.
My next two awards will go to two of my Romanian friends and even though their blogs are written in Romanian trust me that their posts are as interesting as the English ones nominated above:
Cititor SF (it means SF Reader) - Kyodnb and Aspoiu provide useful information about the Romanian market of Fantasy and SF and a great range of reviews of the respective titles. A wonderful blog in a pretty much restricted area in Romania.
Insemnari din coltu' hartii (Notes from the corner of the map) - Horia runs a small publishing house, Millennium Press (with great potential and a bright future), and his personal blog. Here I can find absolutely lovely forays in the work of a publisher, information about the upcoming titles of Millennium Press and the opportunity to see some wonderful writers in Romania, through their works or in person. He was one of Jeff VanderMeer's guests on his blog Ecstatic Days.
thanks very much for you nominee...we are glad yo see that our work is appreciated especially by one such as you
i thinking is too much and too soon for a nominee of any sort, and that Horia needs more our respects for the hard work that he does, than us.
but ,hey, we dont mind:)
and now i must go because there are books to read, things to write about:)and i hope to find the time to read a little more close the latest things wroted here on the blog by you;)
Kyodnb, you deserve it :) And keep up the good work ;)
Critor SF always looks so fab and I want to read it,but umm, my language skills are non existent.
Hagelrat, maybe they will add a Google translation on their wonderful blog :)
that would be very cool, either that or I am sending you particular posts to translate. ;)
Sure, why not? :)
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