This year the artist who caught my eye with every single piece he drew and left me in awe with every cover artwork he made is Raymond Swanland. I hope you don’t mind me featuring him once again. This time is the series of cover artwork Raymond Swanland made for the Richard Baker’s trilogy, “Blades of the Moonsea”, set in the Forgotten Realms world and published by Wizards of the Coast. I really like Raymond’s style, the way he inflicts a sense of motion into his artwork and how his works seem so powerful and lively. I wonder how such a work would look in a bigger size. From the three novels, “Corsair” was released this month in the paperback edition and “Avenger” will be released next year in a hardcover edition.
These covers are definitely powerful. They make you interested in at least finding out what the book is about. Thanks for sharing these.
Indeed they would make me pick the books up if I see them in a library. Great covers :)
These covers would definitely make me pick up the series without even looking at the synopsis (I know I'm a bad girl, but we all do it let's be honest). Love them!
I bought some books based only on the covers too. Luckily they didn't dissapoint me when I read them :)
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