Last Saturday, in an awards ceremony held at the Long Islands Marriott Hotel and Convention Center, New York, the winners of the 2010 Bram Stoker Awards were announced:

Superior Achievement in a Novel: “A Dark Matter” by Peter Straub (Doubleday/Orion)

Superior Achievement in a First Novel (Tie): “Black and Orange” by Benjamin Kane Ethridge (Bad Moon Books)

“The Castle of Los Angeles” by Lisa Morton (Gray Friar Press)

Superior Achievement in Long Fiction: “Invisible Fences” by Norman Prentiss (Cemetery Dance)

Superior Achievement in Short Fiction: “The Folding Man” by Joe R. Lansdale (from “Haunted Legends”, Tor)

Superior Achievement in an Anthology: “Haunted Legends” edited by Ellen Datlow and Nick Mamatas (Tor)

Superior Achievement in a Fiction Collection: “Full Dark, No Stars” by Stephen King (Hodder/Simon and Schuster)

Superior Achievement in Non-Fiction: “To Each Their Darkness” by Gary A. Braunbeck (Apex Publications)

Superior Achievement in a Poetry Collection: “Dark Matters” by Bruce Boston (Bad Moon Books)
Lifetime Achievement Awards: Ellen Datlow & Al Feldstein
Specialty Press Award: Joe Morey (Dark Regions Press)
Congratulations to all the winners!
My to-be-read pile just exploded. :)
It grows almost every day :)
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