Over the years I’ve received a few awards from my fellow bloggers in recognition for my work made on the blog. Every time I receive such an award I feel happy and flattered, because although I don’t seek awards and praise for my reading passion it is good to see that people find some of my opinions useful. Rabid Fox, a constant reader and commenter here, offered my blog another award, This Blog has Heart, with a very complimentary description of Dark Wolf’s Fantasy Reviews. This award brings me joy and although lately my schedule went a bit crazy, therefore preventing me to make a few interviews I wanted to make and writing a few articles I have in mind, it also gives me another reason for working on these features a bit more. Until then though I want to show my appreciation for a few blogs I follow with great interest. There are so many wonderful blogs I read and it is a bit unfair to limit this article to only 5 of them but as much as I want to cover them all unfortunately the time and space don’t allow me this. Instead I’ll make a small spotlight on 5 blogs, new and old, in appreciation for the hard and wonderful work done by the amazing people who run them.
A Dribble of Ink – Aidan’s articles are a constant source of information and we share the same love for fantasy artwork and cover art. I discovered a few cover artworks on his blog that I’ve missed and I always find his reviews to be interesting.
Floor to Ceiling Books – Amanda started her blog in 2009, but from this year she is a constant and beautiful presence in the blogosphere. She’s got the looks, but she’s also got the brains and that is shown in her reviews and articles. She is also an avid reader and the number of books she reads puts me to shame.
OF Blog of the Fallen – Larry explores and features works outside the English language, promoting the speculative fiction in a nice attempt of broadening its boundaries. His reviews are always deep and thoughtful and his articles will stir the things up from time to time.
Ruthless Culture – Larry (OF Blog of the Fallen) and Jonathan are two bloggers on a level I wish to achieve some day. Jonathan is ruthless in his reviews, but fair. His reviews are a constant source of inspiration for me, but not in a plagiarism way.
The Speculative Scotsman – Niall started in January, but it feels like he has been around for a long time. A prolific reader and blogger Niall covers not only book reviews, but also movies and computer games, and he provides serious and excellent opinions on these matters.
I want to thank Rabid Fox for this award and his wonderful words, it means a lot to me. I also want to thank the 5 bloggers showcased here and I hope that this small recognition will help them carry on the wonderful things they are doing.
You're quite welcome, Mihai. Keep up the good work.
As for the blogs you've highlighted, I'm familiar with A Dribble of Ink, but I will definitely have to check out the other four. Looks like my blogroll is growing.
We always find new and interesting things around the internet :)
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