Half of the 2010 is gone and I think that this is a good time for a look over the first half of the reading year. The reading rhythm was a bit slow due to various reasons, but I still manage to finish 20 books so far. Unlike the last year, I had a few disappointing readings, but I am still happy to see that they were compensated by some excellent titles. This is the reason for including 6 books in my half of the year top. I also have decided to make a single classification, not taking in consideration the fiction length, remaining for each category to have an own top at the end of the year. Hopefully :)

1. “The City & The City” by China Miéville

2. “Purple and Black” by K.J. Parker

3. “Gardens of the Moon” by Steven Erikson

4. “The Harm” by Gary McMahon

5. “Kraken” by China Miéville

6. “Secrets of the Sands” by Leona Wisoker
Hi Mihai,
that is funny :-) Like you I posted my 2010 Halftime TOP SIX READ today. But our lists are completely different. Main reason is that we read different books.
I look forward to compare our final list for 2010.
Enjoy reading....
I have one of the top six. I really enjoyed Secrets of the Sands. For some reason I can't get into China Mieville which eliminates most of your list for me :) Purple and Black is still on my to read list, I got it out of the library and forgot about it.
Erikson was another one I got out and forgot about.
Michael, we did have different readings :)
I am looking forward to see the final lists for 2010 too ;)
Cindy, I love China Mieville. He is a great author and I plan to read all the books he published so far and the ones he will publish from now on :D
I had a Top 6 for my first quarter best, but I think I'll be able to keep it to five for the second quarter. PURPLE AND BLACK will be on the list, either way.
I think I'll go for a larger list at the end of the year. And I believe "Purple and Black" will be on that list too :)
Purple and Black was the most pleasant surprise I've had in a book in a long time. Needless to say Parker is a major new find for me.
Seeing something ahead of it really makes me want to read The City and The City.
Chad, K.J. Parker became a favorite author of mine, together with China Mieville. "Purple and Black" is a wonderful novella and so it is China Mieville's novel, "The City & The City". I warmly recommend it :)
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