It appears that this year Trick or Treat has already produce a Halloween goodie. Douglas Clegg has one very nice Halloween treat for us, a free reading of his novel, "Afterlife".
"Afterlife" is a gothic thriller about Julie Hutchinson, a woman driven to the edge of sanity when a brutal murder ignites a series of psychic invasions at her home.
Now although I don't like e-books too much (actually at all) I couldn't pass such an interesting offer. You can find the link to Douglas Clegg's "Afterlife" at his webiste along with other interesting information.
Perfect!! Just what I need during some long travel next week..all of the book with none of the weight!
Not having read any of Douglas Clegg's books, this is a good way to introduce a new reader.
Thanks for posting this.
At work I spend 8 to 10 hours per day in front of a screen. At home I spend some more hours in order to read blogs and so on. After this I don't want to read books on a screen. In this case I'm a old fashioned guy.I prefer real books.
So thank you for the link but I won't download it.
Daya, I am glad I could help you with your trip and I hope you will have a very nice one :)
Barbara, I heard about Douglas Clegg and his works, mostly good things. But I didn't had the chance to read his works either. It looks like a good way to start ;)
Michael, I know exactly what you mean, I have the same problem. Besides your motives, when I read a paper book I feel more involved than the impersonal way of reading in front of the PC. However there are a few exceprions that I make. Such as this one, because I didn't read any of Douglas Clegg's works. But those exceptions are rare :)
Ai putea sa pui un link direct la pdf sa nu trebuiasca sa se inregistreze toata lumea pe scribd.
I could, but since I found it through the Douglas Clegg's website it will not seem fair to me.
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