It seems that Dark Wolf’s Fantasy Reviews got another award to my great surprise and delight. This time is “Premio Dardos” and was received from the very wonderful Christiane Below who runs a blog, Legolas Perlenuniversum, dedicated to her beautiful bead work. If she doesn’t sound familiar I have to tell you that she is the wife of one of the most frequent commenter on my blog, EdiFanoB, and who is a wonderful friend and a reader as every blogger wishes to have. Thank you very much!
The award "Dardos" appreciates the merits - culturally, literary and individually- of every blogger who expresses him/herself on his/her blog.
1. be tickled pink ;)
2. copy and paste the award picture to your blog
3. write down the regulations
4. link the blog who bestowed you the Award
5. and finally nominate 15 blogs for the Award
Here are my 15 nominees for the Award:
Dear Mihai,
my wife and I want say thank you for your compliments.
Thank you for nominating my Fantasy Art and Portraits blog, Dark Wolf!
I'm surprised and honoured to be nominated for this award that has such a weighty purpose, and will continue to do my best to bring value to my readers and to make my blog an asset to the internet.
Mihai, this is a big surprise with a huge task of making links in my posts (which has not been done before for the reason I don't know how). I would appreciate you sending me an email with an explanation.
Thank you for the award, and yes, I am tickled pink.
Michael, thank you both very much once again :)
Simon, it is my pleasure and keep those pictures coming :)
Barbara, keep up the great work :)
Mihai, thank you so much for nominating Un:Bound.
Multumesc mult
Adele, no problem and
multumesc :D
Oh, I am so honored!! Thank you so much. I have been lacking my blog hoping to notice this... Means much.
Thanks a million! I'm going to get a post up about this in the next few days.
Are we supposed to nominate 15 more? If so, are we allowed to pass it to people who have already received it?
Thanks again Mihai!
Harry, I am happy you are enjoying the award :)
Ben, I don't think there's a problem. I also nominated a few blogs that already received it :)
Thank you so much, Mihai.
Gabriele, it is my pleasure :)
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