Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Cover Art - "The Ghost King" by R.A. Salvatore

When it comes to Forgotten Realms novels one of my main sources of information is the website dedicated to these novels, Forgotten Realms: The Library. Through this site I found out the other day the cover art for the upcoming novel in the Drizzt Do’Urden’s series of novels written by R.A. Salvatore, “The Ghost King”. I am in love with Drizzt Do’Urden and his adventures and although I believe that his series went just a bit too far I still enjoy these novels and I will always have a weak spot for them. R.A. Salvatore’s “The Ghost King” is the third novel in the “Transitions” series and it will be published in October this year. And once again the cover art for one of the Drizzt’s novels is made by the magical artist, Todd Lockwood.

When the Spellplague ravages Faerûn, Drizzt and his companions are caught in the chaos. Seeking out the help of the priest Cadderly-the hero of the recently reissued series The Cleric Quintet-Drizzt finds himself facing his most powerful and elusive foe, the twisted Crenshinibon, the demonic crystal shard he believed had been destroyed years ago.


Harry Markov said...

Oh, impressive. I am so swept away by the quality of the works involved in this series. Salvatore is quite lucky to get such breath taking art.

Mihai A. said...

I love Todd Lockwood's covers too. And indeed he can make breath taking art :)

Donna said...

I seen this cover the other day, impressive with the way the dragon skull blends in the background. Love Lockwood's art, have the Transition book of his art, just gorgeous. Seems each time you look at one of his drawings, you see something new.

Anonymous said...

The cover here is really ocming alive. Very cool.

Mihai A. said...

Fantasy Dreamer, Lockwood's art is truly amazing. I don't have his art book, but I'll buy it when I'll have the chance :)

Darkened Jade, it is quite cool and I like the dragon head :)

Unknown said...

I have always loved Todd's art. This really pops out of the book, with the head of the corrupted dragon from the first book of the Sell Swords...his name eludes me at the moment. I would very much like to see Dritzz and Artemis reunited. Mabye?

Mihai A. said...

Laurama, Todd Lockwood is a great artist and gave Drizzt a good face :)
I would like to see more of Artemis too.